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HomeNewsImportant points related to Google Mobile usability algorithm change

Important points related to Google Mobile usability algorithm change

Google’s new mobile usability algorithm change update has come up with a lot of new changes which will bring a new revolution in the mobile sites. The standard of mobile sites performance is definitely going to rise after its launch. Let’s have a look at some of the important points related to Google’s Mobile usability algorithm change.

Find more mobile friendly websites in search results

  • After the Google’s mobile update, the search engine giant has started working on expanding the use of mobile sites. Now, whenever a user searches from a mobile device, Google will display more mobile websites in the search results. This is one of the biggest changes after the new update, which will be noticed world-wide. This change will affect all the mobile searches world-wide in all languages. Now, a mobile user can get more relevant and high quality results because of the excess use of mobile sites.

Ranking of mobile friendly pages will be boosted

  • This new update will directly affect the ranking of mobile sites and mobile friendly pages. With more use of mobile sites, companies will come up with better mobile versions of their desktop site in order to grab the top position in search rankings. With more competition, the rankings as well as the site performance will be boosted.

Google’s mobile update is the biggest of all browser updates

  • The new update by Google is the biggest update ever released. The new update is far better than the updates of Panda or Penguin. Panda update affected only 12% of the queries, while Penguin affected 3% of the queries.
  • The new Google update will definitely affect more queries than these updates in future because of which it is considered as the best and biggest update ever launched by a browser.

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Impact of Google’s Mobile usability algorithm change on websites

  • Under this update, sites which are stated under the mobile friendliness category by Google will definitely enjoy several benefits. One of the biggest benefits is the increase in viewer traffic. More mobile sites will be shown in the search results, which will positively affect the traffic on the websites.
  • Another best thing about this new update is that it will help those website owners which are giving a push to mobile marketing. There are many online marketers which are adopting latest mobile marketing trends so that their websites get reasonable traffic from mobiles.
  • Websites which are not categorised as mobile friendly site by Google will suffer a loss. The search engine giant will not avoid these results, but favour mobile friendly sites instead of these sites. Search engine giant favoured sites will definitely have more benefits than other websites as billions of users trust Google.
  • This new update will also affect other search engines. With the standard of search results going up, more and more internet users will join Google. This new update will definitely cause a huge loss for other popular search engines, as the search engine giant will divert their traffic towards itself.

These are some of the important points related to Google’s Mobile usability algorithm change. You must work on your website to make it user friendly if you want to avail all these benefits. Once your website is considered as mobile friendly by Google, your website performance will witness its golden period.



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