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HomeDigital MarketingHow to Increase Followers on Twitter?

How to Increase Followers on Twitter?

If you want to increase followers on Twitter then you must follow these tried and tested techniques. We all know that Twitter has emerged out to be a powerful business tool and a huge platform for advertising. It largely contributes in brand building, solidify connections and reach out to all the people in every corner of the world.

The only thing that matters on this social network is the number of followers a person has. It is not just about posting content but also about people liking them and re-posting them due to which there is an active following on twitter. The more followers you get the more beneficial it is for you.

Here are presenting to you some incredible tips which will help in increasing the followings on ones account on twitter.

Meaningful Content

  • Twitter appreciates meaningful and healthy discussions over trending topics or any other subject. While posting content on the site one must consider the fact that the content should make sense and should have the ability to start a conversation. By posting meaningful content it is possible that one finds their target audience or may find people with the same ideology which in turn will increase the number of followers a person has.

Follow to get Following

  • According to the conducted researches it has been observed that the more you follow people they tend to follow you back. It is advisable to follow people and posts that match your thoughts and ideas as people have the tendency to search back their followers or even people who like their posts.
  • Therefore in order to be followed one must be following others. It is important to be grouped together with people with the same ideologies.


  • It is beneficial to share or re-tweet the posts of great personalities or those of big companies with a high following. Popular or motivational sayings usually attract the attention of people which in turns leads to the following of the pages in search of similar posts in the future.
  • Sharing or promoting the brands or celebrities that charm your audience will give your page a greater upside. In this way people or in particular your followers will look forward to yours post and content.

 The Conversations

  • It is very important to give your followers apt attention. When after posting some content if the content creates a buzz on the social networking it is important to participate actively in all the conversations by putting forward your thoughts. It is always appreciable to encourage healthy conversations or even debates to such extent where the followers get to learn something from the process and look forward to more such experiences.

Trending Issues

  • Whatever maybe the latest news it starts to trend on twitter and spreads like a forest fire. People or pages in search of more followers must post content or tweets about the recent or trending issues as; they attract the attention of people who further like to post their thoughts and revelations on it.
  • Just for the fact that the trending issues are new and people have different opinion about it as they all look at the issue from different prospective. Not only we get to know the ideologies of different people on the issue but also new facts related to the news are revealed.


  • Once you are done posting the content or the tweets, you can put up a request at the end of your post for the viewers to re-tweet the post if they like it. Re-tweeting the posts will increase your popularity over the twitter and with time your followers.
  • If your tweets are being re- tweeted this is a clear indication of your popularity over the twitter and an indication of your successful communication skills over the social networking.


  • The optimization of one’s’ bio over twitter is very important. The specifications made in the bio will help the page get more followers who connect with the thoughts of the page owner and the ones who are interested in the specifications in the bio.
  • The bio represents the person or the organization that he promotes; therefore the bio must be proper and apt so that the people get a clear picture of the thoughts promoted.

The Suspense Show

  • In this technique the main motive is to create the suspense amongst the viewers about the upcoming tweets so that they are enthusiastic enough to look forward to the tweets. This captures the attention of almost everybody and is termed as countdowns. These countdowns are a link to the other preceding or succession tweets which makes sense altogether. Well this is another unusual form of gaining attention and building followers.

Visually Attractive

  • One must add relevant pictures with the tweets or content that they upload. People are largely attracted to colorful pictures and even relevant videos. Being a social networking platform pictures are a must for this site like any other social networking. According to the researches posts with pictures with them receive much larger attention with posts without them.

Social Media Help

  • In order to promote your page on twitter one can take help from other social media by simply putting up the link to their twitter account on other platforms. Advertising your page on the other sites is very important as it is one of the best ways to attract people from all over generating mass awareness.
  • Thereby people who are generally engaged on a particular social site get to know about your page. This will definitely increase the followers on you twitter page if you are smart enough to grab the attention from other sites.

Motivational Quote

  • People are generally in search of and are easily attracted to motivational sayings or pictures that convey some motivational quotes. This is another method of getting followers in your bag and a good chance of gaining points over the competitive pages.
  • The quotes posted should be original or great saying by successful people which otherwise also give a glimpse of the idea that your page promotes.

When you have more number of followers on Twitter there are sure shot chances that you will be able to get maximum traffic from Twitter to your site. Hence, if you want to  increase followers on Twitter then you must follow the above mentioned strategies.



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